Mapperley Monday Morning Mail, 4th August 2014

Good Morning!

Yesterday, all three services in different ways pointed to the way that we can trust God to provide for us. In both morning services, we were looking at the feeding of the 5000. Jesus is exhausted and wanting to grieve after the murder of his friend and cousin; his disciples are tired out after having just been on a mission trip, and the crowd are hungry and tired having been following Jesus all day and found themselves in the wilderness late in the day. In all three cases, they give what they have to God and seek to serve him even when tired, and he provides more than abundantly for them.

That's also similar to what we saw in Psalm 11 last night. David was facing an uncertain situation, with secret plots against him, and his friends were "encouraging" him to run for the hills. When we are in difficult situations, we always face a choice between faith and fear.

Faith for David meant looking to God, remembering that God is on his throne – he is still ruling, and in his temple – he is still with his people. He doesn't abandon us just because things seem out of control. In fact, the name David uses for God is YHWH – God's personal, covenant name. He remembers that God has made promises to his people, that he has a relationship with God and that God can be fully trusted.

Faith for David meant remembering that God is not inactive – he is watching but patient, and that he is not impassive – he cares passionately about justice and about protecting those who do what is right and punishing those who do what is wrong.

(Quick side note – Ps 11 is unusual in that it says God hates the wicked – those who use violence to get their own way. Of course, the Bible also says that God loves the world, even when we were God's enemies. I find the easiest way to think of it is to remember Ezekiel 18:23. God does not desire the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their wickedness and live. He will punish those who stay opposed to him; he will punish the ISIS fighters who crucify Christians for refusing to convert, but he would much rather they repented and knew his forgiveness and his love for themselves. That is why God delays judgement – he wants as many people as possible to repent...)

Faith means choosing to look to God and to his provision, even when we are weak and when everything around is pushing us to be afraid. Sometimes it means running away when times get hard, sometimes it means staying put, but always it means trusting him, and longing to see his face.

May we trust in him more and more and shine with his light in our community!

God bless,



  1. E-mail me when you get the chance John;

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