Monday Morning Mail, 26th November 2012

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community

Good Morning!

It's been a really encouraging weekend for me. It was great to see (and hear!) so many people at church for Lizzie & Ben's wedding on Saturday, and there was a good crowd there on Sunday morning as well for Jasper's baptism. Wouldn't it be great to have that many people every week (of which more later)!

Yesterday morning, we were thinking again about the kind of character that God creates in Christians, which we are called to wear. At the 9:15, Dennis picked up on the lovely picture of harmony – all singing from the same hymn sheet, all singing together and for the glory of God, but not all singing the same notes at the same time because we have been given different gifts and different callings at different stages of life.

At the 11am service, I somehow managed to apply Colossians 3:12-4:1 to the characters in Downton Abbey, but what is really on my heart from yesterday is Paul's words to those who are under-appreciated, working hard for thankless masters, telling them that at the deepest level, they are really serving God, and he will reward the good they have done, even if no-one else sees. Be encouraged as you serve God this week!

Christmas Services

Now is a good time to start thinking and praying about who you can be inviting along to our Christmas services at St Jude's. Every week, I'll be giving some ideas and tips for inviting friends along to church.

Here's the first. Why not invite some friends and neighbours round for a Christmas party beforehand? Have some mulled wine and mince pies on the Sunday afternoon, and then come over to church to enjoy a traditional carol service together, and hear about how Jesus really is the hope for the whole world!

Christmas Services @ St Jude's:

23rd December, 6:30pm Community Carol Service

24th December, 3pm Nativity Service, 11:15pm Midnight Communion

25th December, 10:30am Christmas Family Communion

Women Bishops

The big news from this last week is the General Synod vote about women bishops. Bishop Paul wrote a letter to all the churches in the diocese, which can be found here. All the clergy and laity from Southwell & Nottingham diocese also say they voted in favour of the motion. +Paul has set up an open meeting to explain what happened and the way forwards. It will be at Holy Trinity, Southwell, on 6th December at 7:30pm.

Coming up this week

On Friday at 4:45pm in the Mapperley shopping precinct, we will be having the Christmas Light switch on. Come along if you can – it should be fun!

All the best,



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