
Showing posts from August, 2015

David and Goliath - a few thoughts

Yesterday morning, we looked at the story of David & Goliath from 1 Samuel 17. It's one of those stories that is so well-known that we often miss the point of it. Here are a few quick thoughts. 1. You can never find safety in human strength or wisdom. One of the key characters in the story is Saul. After all, Saul was the king the people wanted because he was so impressive. He was a head taller than anyone else (1 Sam 10:23) and was a great military leader. The people thought they would be safe with him as their king. But the problem with trusting in human strength or wisdom is that there is always someone stronger, someone wiser or cleverer or more beautiful. Or in this case, taller . Saul was a head taller than any of the Israelites; he was the impressive soldier who should have fought as the people's champion. But he was used to trusting in his size, in his armour and weapons, and 1 Samuel makes the point that in all those categories the new Phili