Different ways of relating to God - Monday Morning Mail 18th May

Good morning all!

Yesterday morning we continued our "back to basics" series looking at some of the basics of the Christian faith from different angles. We were thinking in particular of different ways that people relate to God at different times in their lives.

Of course God is the same God, Jesus is the same Lord. We all need to keep doing the basics of meeting together as Christians, meditating on God's Word and praying. But we are also all different, each with our unique personality and gifts, and that shapes the way we pray and so on.

Theologian Gary Thomas (in his book Sacred Pathways) identified 9 different ways of connecting with God. All are valuable, but some people are better at some than at others:
  • Naturalists love being outdoors and feel much more connected to God when they are surrounded by the natural world.

  • Sensates find that awe, beauty and splendour, in art, architecture, music and so on are often paths which lead them to God.

  • Traditionalists value ritual, symbols and structure and often familiar language.

  • Ascetics find it easy to connect to God through simplicity, fasting and retreats.

  • Activists find that they meet with God through standing against evil and confronting injustice.

  • Caregivers show their love for God by practical service of and love for others.

  • Enthusiasts find God in joyful celebration and need their hearts to be moved.

  • Contemplatives love the experience of just spending time with God and wanting to be with him.

  • Intellectuals need to have their minds stimulated.

I think there are several important things that we can learn from this.

One is to do with looking after ourselves and our own walk with God. I find that if I just use one of these ways of connecting with God, I quickly end up feeling spiritually dry. I need variety, so I try to build in some of the other ways of connecting with God into my weekly and monthly routines.

We shouldn't expect other people to be the same as us, and that's especially true when it comes to church. Some people value tradition, others value passionate encounter with God; it's often hard - though not impossible - to do both together. (I think we managed it on Thursday night at the Ascension Day service!)

We shouldn't beat ourselves up if we don't live up to other people's ways of walking with God. God has made us each unique - we need to learn to walk with him as ourselves, connecting with him in the ways that work for us (which might sometimes not be the ways that come most naturally to us). God doesn't call us to be clones of each other; he calls us to follow Jesus as we are, and let him transform us into our new selves, who are still us, just us-in-Christ, us-in-relationship-with-God.

May God help us see how we can best be following him this week; where we can helpfully make changes so that we connect with him in ways that fit better with who he has made us to be!

God bless,



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