Monday Morning Mail, 3rd Feb 2014

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community


Yesterday in the liturgical calendar was the festival of the Presentation of Christ at the Temple, which we remembered at the 9:15am service.

I love the story of Simeon and Anna in Luke 2. On one level, both Simeon and Anna had immensely dramatic lives. In terms of name recognition, they're better known today than almost anyone else – certainly better known than any politicians or generals except Augustus Caesar. Simeon's words are still remembered across the world.

And yet on another level, both of them lived lives that were almost inconsequential. Both of them are remembered for something that happened near the end of their lives, after decades of waiting. Simeon, we are told, was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and Anna was looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. Both of them were longing for God to come and set his people free, for God to bring his salvation and a light that would shine to the very ends of the earth. When Mary and Joseph bring their infant son to the Temple, just a week after that first Christmas, they finally see what they have been longing for, and find the moment of their lives that would go down in history.

Why? Because they met Jesus. Simeon and Anna had been waiting for decades. The Jewish people had been waiting for centuries. And in that moment, as Simeon met the baby Jesus, he saw that all the waiting was worthwhile. He becomes the first person in Luke to point to the cross, and Anna becomes one of the first to tell other people about Jesus.

Simeon and Anna only saw Jesus as a baby, but that was enough to make decades of waiting worthwhile. We often get so fed up of waiting, don't we? But in Jesus, we have far more than was enough to satisfy Simeon and Anna. We know more of the story, we see what God has done through Jesus, and know that he lives in our hearts by his Holy Spirit. We have seen, and known, and shared in God's amazing salvation which he has accomplished to draw all people to himself. How can we not rejoice and tell others!

And when we have to wait, especially waiting for God to act or to show up, let's remember everything he has already done for us, all the blessings we already have in Jesus, all the wonderful things we have to look forwards to in his new creation and that God keeps his promises!

God bless,



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