Monday Mail, 23rd December 2013

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community


All the Christmas Services seem to be going really well so far – we had a great Nativity Service and Carols in the Pub yesterday! (what is it with me and candles though?)

As a Christmas Week Monday Mail, here are 10 reasons Jesus is better than Santa:

1. Santa is a mythological personification of the season; Jesus is the very real reason we celebrate (and parents – if your kids can understand "mythological personification", they've probably figured it out by now...)

2. Santa gives us stuff we want but don't really need; Jesus gives us what we really need, which is forgiveness, and a restored relationship with him.

3. What Santa gives wears out; what Jesus gives lasts forever and gets better and better.

4. Santa only visits children who have been good. Jesus knows that we aren't good and loves us anyway.

5. Santa just ignores children who have been bad. Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

6. Santa is an old bloke who doesn't die; Jesus is God himself, who came to die for us and rise again that we too might be freed from death.

7. Santa only shows up once a year; Jesus promises to be with us always.

8. Santa might put a smile on the face once a year; Jesus can take broken lives and transform them forever.

9. Santa gives us gifts and then dashes off without even saying "hello". Jesus gives us himself, and comes to stay.

10. Santa is a very European/American character. Jesus is Lord of all the Earth.

I hope you have a great Christmas, and whether you're in Nottingham or elsewhere, that amid all the busyness you find time to worship Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


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