Monday Morning Mail, 8th July 2013

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community

Good Morning!

Yesterday was another really encouraging Sunday at St Jude's. I had an e-mail this morning from a member of St Jude's who said that Andy Murray winning Wimbledon was an anti-climax after the morning, and I think that just about nailed it! For those who didn't make it, we had 2 baptisms and 5 people wanting to publicly reaffirm their baptism vows, which grew to 10 during the service!

There's a line in the baptism liturgy which we said yesterday that goes something like this:

Fight valiantly as disciples of Christ against sin, the world and the devil, and remain Christ's faithful soldiers and servants to the end of your lives.

That whole idea of fighting isn't something we tend to talk about much these days. But it ties in well with what I've been reading in my personal devotional times lately. These days, I often seem to find myself in the "fighting Psalms" - like Psalm 59, where David asks for God to fight his enemies for him. They can be quite difficult to read these days, because we don't have physical enemies seeking to kill us, like David did, and if we do then on balance we'd prefer it if God changed their hearts so they became our friends.

When we try to apply those Psalms to our lives, there are several helpful routes to take. We can see them as the first stage in letting go of anger – asking God to take vengeance rather than doing it myself. We can see them as Psalms sung by Jesus, entrusting himself to God and asking God to rescue him from attack, which God does in the resurrection. But lately I've found it helpful to read them through the lens of Ephesians 6:12.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

As Christians, we are in a real battle. And it's no less real just because our opponents aren't physical people but ideas, temptations and spiritual forces, and we need to learn to fight them better. I'm finding it really helpful at the moment reading the "fighting Psalms" and thinking of the temptations I experience; the things that want to knock me off course in following God, and asking for his protection and rescue from them.

This fits in with a lovely hymn which we sung for the first time at the evening service yesterday (youtube version here). Let's make this our prayer for today:

O great God of highest heaven

Occupy my lowly heart

Own it all and reign supreme

Conquer every rebel power

Let no vice or sin remain

That resists Your holy war

You have loved and purchased me

Make me Yours forevermore

I was blinded by my sin

Had no ears to hear Your voice

Did not know Your love within

Had no taste for heaven's joys

Then Your Spirit gave me life

Opened up Your Word to me

Through the gospel of Your Son

Gave me endless hope and peace

Help me now to live a life

That's dependent on Your grace

Keep my heart and guard my soul

From the evils that I face

You are worthy to be praised

With my every thought and deed

O great God of highest heaven

Glorify Your Name through me


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