Mapperley Monday Mail, 4th March 2013

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community

Dear all,

Yesterday morning, we were working towards the end of our series in the first few chapters of Leviticus, focusing on the Guilt Offering in Lev 5:14-6:7. What really struck me was that we often see guilt as quite a negative thing, but actually it is a gift of God, which should drive us to the cross.

So often we try to run away from guilt, or make excuses that we didn't mean to do something, that we didn't know, or that it was an accident. Leviticus doesn't let us get away with that, because it is clear that sin which we don't intend and don't know about is still sin. Instead Leviticus encourages us to own our guilt, to see that it is more than we could ever pay, and then to leave it at the cross and know that Jesus has paid the price that we could not pay so that we can be forgiven.

I have quite a few favourite songs, and it was great to sing several of them yesterday. Here's one of the newer ones – "See His Love" on youtube.

I've found the last week or so at St Jude's really encouraging. It was great to see so many folk at the prayer meeting last week, and at Richard Pyatt's funeral. Do be keeping Denise and Richard's family in your prayers, and also Kevin & Lynda and the family following the death of Howard, whose funeral is today.

God bless,



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