Mapperley Monday Mail, 28th January 2013

Loving God | Loving Each Other | Loving our Community

Good Morning (well, ok then, good afternoon....)

Yesterday morning at St Jude's, we started our series on Leviticus. I'm quite excited about it – I don't think I've ever heard (or preached!) a series on the first chunk of Leviticus before, and people have been very kind about my first effort. When you stop to think about it, it is mind-blowing that God loves to meet his people, and that he has paid the price that is needed so that we can be forgiven and can come into his presence through Jesus.

There are a lot of lovely hymns written about the cross (and I thought the band's decision to go with "When I survey" was spot on yesterday). One of my favourites is the much less known O Perfect Love, O Perfect Sacrifice. Here are the words:

O perfect love, o perfect sacrifice,

Fountain of life poured out for me,

What heights and depths of heaven's mercy

The faithfulness that I believe

And to whom shall I run, and in whom shall I hide

Only You hold the truth I desire

O perfect love, my prayer shall ever be

To be found in Jesus

O perfect love, O perfect mystery,

You were condemned, but I go free,

What truth to know, that I can rest upon,

Your perfect love has covered me.

And what can this heart know, and what can this heart tell

But of grace that has rescued me,

O perfect love, my prayer shall ever be,

To be found in Jesus.

O perfect love, forever I shall sing

Of heaven's gates flung wide for me

Where fear of death and tears of hopelessness

Are swallowed up in victory;

And what praise shall be sung still to the Holy One

To the Saviour, Redeemer and King,

O perfect love, my song shall ever be

I am found in Jesus.

There are a couple of things coming up in the next few weeks that it's worth mentioning. First, if there are any remaining Lent Course forms, please do get them back to me or to the office this week if possible.

There's a Bring & Share lunch coming up on 10th Feb after the 11am service – please do sign up for it and come along!

Please also be praying about the forthcoming vote in Parliament on the first stage of trying to change the legal definition of marriage - I think it's on the 5th February. For those wanting resources to help them think through the area of homosexuality from a Christian point of view, there are some excellent resources here, and if people want some more guidance on the issue, I'm happy to write some!

I think that will do for now. Have a great week, and see some of you at the pub quiz on Tuesday night!

God bless,



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